Tesika Teknik AB


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Svensk Medicinteknisk Förening - MTF
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FAQ-frågor för Multifunktionsfantom 040 GSE

Q: Hur säkerställer man fantomets noggrannhet hos tillverkaren?

Q: Hur kan man kontrollera fantomet?

Q: Vet ni möjligtvis inom vilket intervall mätosäkerheten ligger för CIRS phantomen till Ultraljud?
A: Såhär säger de som är ansvariga för ultraljudsfantomen på CIRS (svaret gäller specifikt fantomet model 040GSE):

"The vertical and horizontal distance targets should be within 0.1 mm of the nominal distance specified on the data sheet, the only way to verify the pin position after manufacture is with ultrasound (the nylon wires don’t show up in CT or MRI). Thus, it is possible that some measurements will fall outside this range. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine if the variance is due to measurement uncertainty associated with the ultrasonic measurement, or due to a manufacturing error. For this reason, we recommend that you perform baseline measurements with the phantom and track deviations from that baseline, rather than rely on absolute reference standards for assessing distance measurement accuracy."

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